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Elise Armitage

Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.

Lazy wife refuses to go back to work, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

Husband Works 18 Hour Days to Pay Bills While Wife Sits Around Spending His Money. Her Therapist Says It’s Totally Okay

Typically, partners in a relationship are exactly that—partners. Couples that live together are expected to pull equal weight, whether it be through financial support or taking on household responsibilities. What happens when one member of a relationship decides they don’t want to contribute? This husband found himself frustrated when his wife stopped working and doing …

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Cheap USA beach vacations, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

11 Stunning US Beach Vacations So Cheap You’ll Want to Visit Them All

There are few things more relaxing than laying oceanside on the beach, but those resorts add up! If you’re looking to stay close to home without breaking the bank, check out these cheap USA beach vacations. 1. Gulf Shores, Alabama Alabama’s Gulf Shores is one of those priceless, often-overlooked cheap USA beach vacations, especially given …

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