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Elise Armitage

Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.

Glitter monster spills on plane passenger, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab

Man Horrified After “Monster” Child Throws Glitter Around the Plane. Flight Attendants Didn’t Care About the Mother’s Aggressive Screaming

Airplane etiquette is one of the most argued topics on the internet right now. Heated debates over switching seats have caused frequent flyers to chime in about other controversial plane behavior, like reclining your seat back all the way or giving gifts to flight attendants. This “glitter monster” passenger nightmare, however, is in a class …

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Woman refused house inheritance by husband, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

Wealthy Husband Refuses to Leave His House to His Greedy, Broke Young Wife. She Thinks He’s Being Unfair

Often, married couples choose to put both of their names on the title of their shared home. Sharing a title means that both spouses can use their income to qualify for a loan, allowing for a larger budget when shopping the competitive housing market. If one spouse passes, a shared title also makes for a …

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Stepfather kicks his stepdaughter out, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

“You’re Not Her Parent!” Dad Threatens to Kick His Stepdaughter Out of the House. Mom Says He Can’t Parent Her

Relationships between stepparents and their new stepchildren can be tedious. While some kids feel as though the new addition to their family is another real parent, others keep their distance. Then there’s the spouse, or biological parent, who can struggle to let go of being the sole decision-maker when it comes to their kids. When …

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Camping etiquette, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

Disabled Veteran is Shamed for Controversial Behavior, and People Are Torn About It

Camping etiquette isn’t anything new. On the list of unspoken camping rules, leaving no trace by keeping your campsite clean, turning off bright lights during quiet hours, and putting your fire out are at the top of the list. Also necessary for good campground etiquette is keeping the noise down for your neighbors, who may …

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Couple splits chores unevenly, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab

“That’s Not Fair!” Girlfriend Gives Her Boyfriend Extra Chores. He’s Not Happy

When a couple moves in together, diving up the housework in a way that’s fair to both parties can be a challenge. When both partners work full-time, chores might be split down the middle. If one partner doesn’t work at all or only works part-time, they might shoulder more responsibility around the house. This girlfriend …

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Helpful websites to save time and money, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.

14 Extremely Useful Websites That Will Save You Major Time and Money

The internet is full of helpful websites—you just need to know where to look. Free resources are available all over the web, but tracking them down to be tricky. When asked, “What’s an extremely useful website most people probably don’t know about?” the internet shared their favorite online secrets. These are the helpful websites you’ve …

Read More about 14 Extremely Useful Websites That Will Save You Major Time and Money