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9 Reasons Why Being Single is Almost Better Than Being in a Relationship

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Is being in a relationship all that it’s hyped up to be?

Apparently not.

When the internet was asked, “What makes being single worth it?” people jumped in with the reasons why being single is better than being in a relationship.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. You never lose your belongings

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“When you place something, it remains there even after eight weeks,” explained one person.

Another agreed, sharing a recent experience, “I didn’t realize how great that was until my mother visited for a week. Where did my kitchen towels go? I never put them on that shelf! What happened to the nail clippers? Why are all my dishes rearranged? Argh!”

2. You don’t have to entertain in-laws

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Even great in-laws (are bad) to have visit you. No, I don’t want a bunch of people in my house for several days. Especially when I know I’m gonna be the one cleaning and setting (things) up before, during, and after.”

3. All the freedom you want

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want,” succinctly put one supporter of the single life.

Someone formerly in a relationship shared a similar sentiment, stating, “I had a wonderful marriage. I’d give anything to still be married to him. But I’m not the least bit interested in giving up my independence to someone new.”

4. No need to ask about spending money

Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I was eating breakfast, looking at my tools last week, and thought to myself, ‘I need another hammer.’

“So I just went and bought one.

“Didn’t have to tell anyone, didn’t have to check if they needed me to pick up anything or wanted (food). I just grabbed my keys, locked the door, and straight up walked out.

“When I got home, I used that hammer. No questions about where I was or complaints that I didn’t pick up surprise (food) or why I bought a hammer. My nails were right where I left them too.”

5. You get to know yourself better

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Getting to understand yourself is one of the top reasons why being single is better than being in a relationship, according to the internet.

“Self-discovery is so underrated. Honestly, whether you’re long-term single by choice or in between relationships, that is what people need to be doing!

“Figure out who you are on your own before you even consider rushing to be a relationship.

“If you can’t even be happy alone, then you’re probably going to rely on someone else to make you happy and may even make them miserable in the process.”

6. You can watch TV shows and movies in peace

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“No one talking during the show or constantly wanting to know ‘What happened?'”

Although this might not be an obvious answer to why being single is better than being in a relationship, it’s one many can agree with.

“Wanna stop watching halfway through the movie? Go ahead.”

7. Saving money is easier when you’re single

Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Money. You can focus on yourself and not think for two people. Loneliness will come. That’s where you gotta pay attention because even starving, you should not be picking up garbage to eat.

“Being single is fun most of the time, but you gotta take care and avoid jumping in the first opportunity for a relationship that appears in your way, be selective, save cash.”

Another agreed, writing, “It’s actually insane how much money I’ve been able to save in the year that I’ve been single. Even managed to do a two-week Euro trip and still be ahead. My last relationship basically had me living paycheck to paycheck.”

8. No risk of being cheated on

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I found out the 10-year relationship I was in involved cheating and all kinds of lying. Not to mention, he was unemployed for a long time.

“I’m a year past it now and so happy to be out of it. No more nitpicking about how I load the dishes. No more complaining about how I take care of the pets. No more dealing with extreme moodiness. No more fights intentionally started, so he doesn’t have to go on a walk with me.

“I am so much better off being single. It doesn’t feel like that at the start, but it gets better.”

9. You don’t have to share a bed

Why being single is better, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“If you think flipping your pillow over to the cool side is great, you should know rolling over to the cool side of the bed is pure (joy).”

This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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