How much time with your significant other is too much?
In this situation, a man woke up extra early on vacation to get a few moments of alone time, only to be shocked when his girlfriend woke up in tears, accusing him of ignoring her.
Baffled, the man turned to the internet to ask, “[Am I wrong] for waking up extra early on my vacation to get some me-time on the computer?”
Here’s how the AITA story played out:

The man, or the original poster (OP) in this AITA story, is 31 years old. He has a girlfriend, who is 30. Recently, the couple decided to vacation in Portugal. During this trip, they spent all their time together, sunbathing, sightseeing, and even going on relaxing boat trips.
See also: The 14 Most Beautiful Places in Portugal
How is their relationship?
OP enjoys playing video games on his computer, which deeply upsets his girlfriend. To make sure he stays present while they’re together, OP gives his phone to his girlfriend when they go out so he can’t be tempted to play video games.
Outside of OP’s gaming, it seems as though the couple gets along well.
What happened?
After spending so much time with his girlfriend on vacation, OP felt like he needed some “me time” to recharge.
In order to get this time without bothering his girlfriend, OP woke up at 6 am one morning during the trip. He made a coffee and played a video game while his girlfriend was still sleeping. OP left the room to play his game, muting it so she wouldn’t wake up.
Did OP’s girlfriend find out about his plan?
OP’s girlfriend woke up while he was still playing video games and started crying.
“How is it possible that you use every little timeframe you get to play on that thing instead of doing something with me?” she complained.
How did OP react?
OP was shocked and confused by his girlfriend’s reaction. He feels like he can’t play video games at all when with his girlfriend because of her reaction and the fact that he already restricts the time he spends gaming when the couple is together.
Is OP in the wrong for trying to get a few minutes alone? Here’s how users responded:
Does OP have a gaming addiction?
“OP isn’t giving the full scope of the problem here. He said it’s an ongoing issue. I’m guessing he has a problem with gaming addiction. My ex-husband was the same way. EVERY second he wasn’t actively forced to do something he was gaming. And every time I asked him to put the games away, I was the bad guy out to ruin his fun and relaxation time, and he said I was being selfish and clingy by demanding that he be present.”
See also: You Won’t Realize You Have One of These 15 Common Addictions Before It’s Too Late
OP isn’t an on-demand boyfriend
“There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with what you’re doing. It’s quite literally the same as watching TV or reading a book. She was sleeping or in the shower. What are you supposed to do??? Sit there in the corner staring at the wall with your hands folded, waiting for her next command?”
Alone time for couples is healthy
“Couples need to be able to enjoy some free time and take part in their hobbies. It would drive me crazy if my partner wanted me to spend every waking moment with them. That said…if OP needs to give his GF his phone to keep himself from playing games when they are out and has to force himself to be present – then OP’s gaming may have ventured into unhealthy territory…”
This AITA story may be reflective of OP’s girlfriend’s insecurities
“She’s incredibly insecure and possibly immature as well. I’m surprised that you are both in your 30’s. This is behavior I’d expect from someone in their early 20’s.”
This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.
Can you retire without your spouse?
This husband is about to get a lot more “me time” than OP.
He planned on retiring to South America without his wife.
Should couples split chores evenly?
One girlfriend found herself frustrated after constantly having to remind her boyfriend to do his chores.
In response, she gave herself fewer chores than her boyfriend to account for the time she was managing his tasks.
“That’s not fair!” he exclaimed, but the internet doesn’t see it that way.
This flight sounds like a nightmare
At least OP’s vacation didn’t start with a painful flight.
After her child spilled glitter and glue all over a passenger on the plane, a mother screamed obscenities at the passenger while flight attendants stood quietly by.
Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.