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14 Makeup Mistakes That Are Making You Look Older Than You Actually Are

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Makeup missteps could be adding years to your appearance without you realizing it.

When used correctly, makeup can help you look young at any age. However, applying too much or using the wrong products might have the opposite effect.

These makeup mistakes steal your youthful glow, making you look years older than you are.

Skipping Primer

Aging makeup mistakes
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Primers smooth your face to help makeup products apply evenly and stay put. You’re missing out if you haven’t been starting your routine with a primer.

There are formulas to mattify your face, fill in your pores, and more. The best primers for mature skin blur the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to restore youthfulness.

Cakey Foundation

Aging makeup mistakes
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Layering on the foundation can instantly age you. Heavy liquid foundations tend to look cakey on the skin. They can settle into fine lines and wrinkles, highlighting rather than hiding your age.

Skip the full-coverage foundation in favor of lightweight tinted moisturizers. These light to medium-coverage products complement mature skin much better and help even your skin tone for a more youthful look.

Ignoring Your Eyebrows

Aging makeup mistakes
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Never underestimate the importance of eyebrow maintenance. Keeping your brows clean and trimmed is critical to looking young at any age. Study your face and eyebrow shapes to see what’s most flattering.

Don’t overpluck your eyebrows, which can cause them to become thin and sparse. Refine their natural shape by plucking small areas at a time and filling patchy spots with an eyebrow pen, powder, or pomade.

Harsh Blush

Aging makeup mistakes
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A heavy-handed blush application could add years to your appearance. Blush is essential in any makeup routine, but choose colors wisely.

Avoid bright red and orange tones that look harsh on the cheeks. Soft pink blushes flatter most facial structures and enhance radiance, helping you look youthful.

Mismatched Concealer

Aging makeup mistakes
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Finding the perfect concealer shade is a must. Concealing is ideal for masking blemishes, discoloration, and undereye circles. However, using a color that is too light for your skin tone can make your imperfections stand out more.

Experiment with different brands and formulas to find the perfect fit. The concealer should be lighter than your complexion to brighten the face while complementing your foundation shade.


Aging makeup mistakes
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One of the quickest ways to look older than you are is to apply too much powder. Often, less is more. While powder can help keep your makeup in place and mask oiliness, you shouldn’t go overboard.

Aim for an even layer of powder on the areas of your face most likely to get oil. Pay special attention to the forehead, nose, and chin.

Forgetting Setting Spray

Aging makeup mistakes
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Setting spray is the key to locking makeup into place all day. It’s the perfect finishing touch to prevent smudging or fading and achieve a dewy glow. A light mist of setting spray can transform your makeup look, instantly taking years off your appearance.

Too Much Contour

Aging makeup mistakes
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If you overuse contour, you might appear older without realizing it. Powder and cream contour products should accentuate your facial structure.

Contour shades that are too dark or contrast against your skin tone have an outdated look. Subtle touches of contour can add definition, but apply it sparingly and blend thoroughly to avoid harsh lines.

Black Eyeliner

Aging makeup mistakes
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It’s easy to overdo it on the black eyeliner. Lining your lash area and waterline with a black shade might age you by making your eyes look smaller.

Opt for a buildable dark brown eyeliner for a more subtle effect. Using eyeliner in a deep brown shade will define your features without overpowering them.

Not Using SPF

Aging makeup mistakes
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SPF should be a staple in your makeup bag, regardless of age. Daily sun protection is crucial to preventing damage and premature signs of aging.

Some foundations and tinted moisturizers include SPF to reduce the number of steps in your routine. To keep looking young for as long as possible, fully protect your face before applying the rest of your makeup.

Using the Wrong Application Methods

Aging makeup mistakes
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Ditch the old, dirty makeup brushes for a fresh, clean set. Even the best products can age you if misapplied.

Lightly moistened sponges are often ideal for distributing liquid foundations across your skin. Begin with a small amount of product and add a bit more at a time until you’ve built up the appropriate coverage.

Intense Eyeshadow

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Avoid intense eyeshadow looks that darken the eye area. Stick to light shades when possible to help open and brighten the eye area. You can use a deeper shade to contour your crease for a slight dramatic effect.

Powder shadows can make skin appear crepey if you have crow’s feet and wrinkles around your eyelid. Try using liquid and cream eyeshadows for a more natural look.

Dark Lipstick

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Consider switching your go-to lipstick if you want to look younger with makeup. Dark lip products draw attention to the mouth area, weighing down your entire face.

Light pink and nude shades are more youthful and allow your natural beauty to shine through. Tinted gloss is another excellent way to give your lips color without masking them completely.

Going Overboard on Glitter

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There’s a time and place for glitter, but don’t go overboard. Using an excessive amount of glitter will make you look shiny. Instead, stick with products that have a hint of shimmer.

Be intentional about where you apply them and how much of them you use. You should typically stick to the high points of your face, such as the upper cheekbone, under the eyebrows, and on the tip of the nose.

Invest in a high-quality moisturizer for mature skin

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Moisturizer is essential to keeping your skin soft and plump. Hydrating creams for mature skin boost youthfulness while providing all-day moisture.

15 Killer Moisturizers for Bouncy, Youthful Skin

Consider adding an anti-aging serum to your skincare lineup

Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Serums can significantly impact your skin tone and complexion. Anti-aging formulas reduce the appearance of fine lines, discoloration, and wrinkles to help you look younger.

Look 30 Again: 16 Anti-Aging Serums to Shave Years Off Your Face

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