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“Your Baby is the Problem!” Mom Offended When Friends Tell Her the Honest Truth

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A new baby will completely change someone’s life. Between new schedules and routines, parents often find themselves with less time to see friends.

A group of friends was frustrated when their friend, a young mom, wouldn’t go anywhere without her six-month-old baby. Eventually, her friends stopped inviting her to hang out.

When the mother found out she was being excluded, she became upset, demanding to know why. One of the friends finally caved, telling her that her baby was the problem, which only made the mother even more enraged.

The friend took to the internet to ask if she was in the wrong for excluding her friend and telling her the honest truth.

Here’s what happened:


Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

The honest friend, or the original poster (OP), is 24. Her friend, Anna, is also 24 and just had a baby six months ago.

OP and her other friends are not parents. They used to hang out with Anna all the time before her baby was born.

How has OP’s relationship with Anna changed since the baby?

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

After having her baby, Anna insisted on bringing the baby everywhere she went, including when she hung out with Anna and their other friends.

OP and her friends tried their best to accommodate Anna’s new role as a parent but became frustrated. “We shouldn’t drink because Anna can’t drink. We shouldn’t be loud because the baby needs to sleep. Icing on the cake is that her baby is extremely fussy and cries all the time. It was just a downer for the rest of us,” said OP.

Did OP and her friends keep accommodating Anna?

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Anna’s baby caused OP and her friends a lot of inconvenience, including having to leave dinner early because of the baby’s nonstop crying. They tried communicating adults-only events to Anna previously, but she’d always show up with the baby.

Tired of navigating Anna’s demands, OP and her friends started hanging out without Anna and her baby. Anna refused to leave her baby at home, and the friends just wanted alone time.

What happened?

Image credit: Shutterstock.

Anna discovered that her friends had been excluding her after they planned a staycation without her.

“We had a great time and posted photos and videos on [social media]. Anna saw these and called me to ask why I did not ask her to come with. I tried telling her it was a last-minute plan and we could only find a child-free resort so as to not hurt her feelings,” OP explained.

Did Anna believe OP?

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“[Anna] called my bluff, sending me pics some random family had posted with kids at the resort,” OP admitted.

Determined to get to the truth, Anna continually pressed OP to find out why her friends didn’t invite her to the staycation.

Did OP tell Anna the truth?

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Anna wouldn’t leave OP alone, so eventually, OP caved and told Anna the truth. “I finally told her it’s a baby, and we are all young. We don’t want to live our lives around a baby she chose to have. We get to do adult stuff and party all we want.

“Her baby is the only reason she wasn’t invited. If she leaves the baby at home, she can come too.”

How did Anna react?

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Anna learned a hard lesson in “Be careful what you wish for.” OP’s truthfulness made her incredibly upset. She became angry with OP and texted all of their friends about her disappointment in being excluded.

Did OP’s friends say anything?

Image credit: Shutterstock.

According to OP, “Half of our friend group thinks I should not have told her the real reason and is mad at me. The other half thinks she is unreasonable.”

Was OP justified in telling Anna the truth? The internet weighed in:

Anna misses her pre-baby life

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Here’s the cold hard truth: a baby changes your life. The things you used to do you can no longer do.

“Your friend misses her pre-baby life, which is why she wants to be included in all of your hangouts.

“Your friend’s lifestyle has now changed, but her trying to force those changes on you?! Yea, NOPE. Your friend’s choice to have a baby has impacted her social life, but she cannot and should not impose those changes on you.

“As a friend, suggest she finds some mommy groups. She will meet moms that she can relate to in a way that you and your friend group cannot.”

Anna isn’t just being excluded for being a mom

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“You’re not excluding her because she’s a mom. You’re excluding her because she makes being a mom everyone else’s problem. She won’t leave the baby home. She expects you to cater to her needs. It sounds like she doesn’t remove the baby from the situation when it’s fussy, so you all have to deal with it.

“You have every right to want to be young and act like it. She needs to accept that having a baby has changed things for her, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has to change everything to accommodate that.”

OP was right for telling Anna the truth

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Doesn’t sound like you were cruel about it. You are early 20s friends who want to go out, have some drinks, and generally be in adult environments. You shouldn’t be expected to revolve your whole social life around Anna’s needs as a mother.

“[It] would be nice to occasionally do some stuff with her and the baby. Perhaps when the baby gets older, Anna can get a sitter and come out with you.

“You were right to tell her the truth.”

OP and her friends should have talked to Anna before this happened

Offended mom refuses to leave her baby at home, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Why don’t people talk to each other anymore? The same way she called to confront you about being excluded from the staycation, you and your friends could have called her to tell her she was messing up the vibe of your group hangouts by bringing her baby all the time.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting child-free time with your friends, but pulling passive-aggressive stuff like this is wrong.”

This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

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