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Where to Buy Replica Bags Online: JuliaBags

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Where to find the best replica bags online, by fashion blogger What The Fab

If you’re looking for the best place to buy replica bags online, look no further! Juliabags is my go-to. 

Psst, use my discount code WTFAB for 10% off your purchase at Juliabags

Replica designer handbags have gotten SO good, if you know where to shop. There are so many designer replica sellers out there it’s hard to know which one to try. At least once a week, I get these “bag women” suppliers texting me on WhatsApp about their replica designer bags—but how to know which one is legit?

Well, you need a solid referral who can vouch for the quality. A friend told me about Juliabags last year, and I’ve been hooked ever since purchasing my first replica handbag from them! Their designer bags are unbelievably good.

I now own five bags from Juliabags, including a couple of crossbody bags that are Chanel, a Christian Dior tote bag, and a couple of other designer shoulder bags. I’ve been happy with the quality of each and every one of them—clearly, I keep coming back for more! 

Where to find the best replica bags online, by fashion blogger What The Fab

Get the scoop on where to buy replica bags online: JuliaBags

While I do own some designer bags, in my opinion, replica handbags are a great way to supplement your luxury handbags collection. Obviously, the price just can’t compare. Why spend thousands on a Louis Vuitton or Gucci bag when you can get a high-quality replica bag for a few hundred dollars? The affordability aspect just can’t be beat.

In these photos, I’m wearing my new Medium Lady Dior bag. I love the pretty baby blue color and the top handle, plus the Dior letter hardware. I brought it with me to Europe because I felt like it was the perfect vibe for Greece, and I got so many compliments on it! One group of women even stopped me to ask if they could take a picture of it; they loved it so much, haha.

JuliaBags has so many designer options, including Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino, Celine, Chloe, Prada, Hermes, and more! In addition to replica handbags, they also have designer shoes! I’m currently eyeing some Chanel boots for fall. 


The number one question any savvy shopper for replica bags online should ask is, what is the quality like? 

I’m very picky about this, and JuliaBags’ quality is top-notch. They use genuine leather for their leather bags and high-quality materials like canvas for fabric bags (think a Chloe tote). 

I’ve tried other places with cheaper materials, like DHGate or AliExpress, and it was absolutely noticeable. If you want high-quality replica bags, go with JuliaBags for sure. 

You want high-quality products that are durable with good craftsmanship, that look as good as the original designer bags—not plasticky—so no one would even be able to tell they’re fake designer bags. 

I’ve shared several blog posts about their bags, like this one on my Christian Dior book tote dupe and another review, and have found them to be a very reliable seller—reliability and quick communication is key! 

Given the quality of their bags, they have very competitive prices, so buyers can shop with confidence that they’re getting a great deal. 

While they don’t really have sales, you can use my discount code WTFAB for 10% off!

If my review isn’t enough, you can view more of their reviews here!

Delivery and Shipping

Besides quality, one of the other main questions people have about buying replica bags online is the delivery process. Once you purchase a designer bag from JuliaBags, they will send you photos of your designer handbag being packaged up. They will then mark the package as a gift and declare the value less than $50 to help avoid Customs duties. Once it ships, you’ll receive the tracking number, so you can eagerly watch your luxury bag make its way to you!

They ship around the globe, and I’ve found I usually receive my bag within a couple of weeks.

Return Policy

I’m sure you’re also wondering what the return policy is. You can read their full policy here, but the gist of it is if you want to make a return, you need to do it within five days, and you are responsible for paying for the international return shipping with a trackable, insured service. Of course, they can’t accept any returns that aren’t in their original condition or look like they’ve been worn or used.

I’ve never wanted to return any of my items, so I can’t personally speak to this process. 

Contact and How to Purchase

To purchase an item from JuliaBags, you can either add an item to cart and checkout, after which you’ll receive an email on how to complete your purchase using Transferwise or Zelle. You can also click here for all their contact information. You can reach out to them via their phone number on WhatsApp or shoot them an email. They’re very quick to respond and will assist you with completing the purchase.

Have fun perusing their replica bags online—I promise it’s going to be hard to narrow down your top picks! I always have a million tabs open and five bags in my shopping cart when I’m trying to decide which replica designer handbags I want next.

Where to find the best replica bags online, by fashion blogger What The Fab
Where to find the best replica bags online, by fashion blogger What The Fab

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