TV show intros are sometimes just as entertaining as the episode itself.
While some television shows clearly make their intros an afterthought, others use elaborate opening credit scenes that force viewers to pay attention.
When asked, “What’s a TV show’s opening credits you never skip?” the internet weighed in with the shows that had incredible title sequence production.
These are the TV show intros you won’t be able to get enough of:
1. The X-Files

“That intro music was so scary when I was a child.”
2. Cheers
“I always sing that theme. My dad told me he missed me when he’d see reruns bc I wasn’t there to sing.”
3. Bob’s Burgers
“I’ve seen every season multiple times, have read every shop and exterminator, and every times I rewatch episodes I still say them out loud to my boyfriend, who doesn’t care. But I still insist we watch the intro every time and get upset when he skips it.”
4. Narcos
“One of the nice things about Narcos’ opening was that as the story progressed, you could spot the clips/people shown in the opening.”
5. Trailer Park Boys
“Such a calming and peaceful introduction for a show that’s anything BUT calm or peaceful.”
6. Doctor Who
“I’m not even a big fan of the show, but this is such an incredible theme song. It’s lasted generations, has barely needed updating, and if you don’t get chills by instantly being transported into that mysterious sci-fi world, idk, you might be a Cylon or Dalek.”
7. Animaniacs
It isn’t just TV show intros that viewers can’t get enough of. “The closing credits had a hidden joke every episode,” an Animaniacs fan explains.
8. Breaking Bad
“It’s too short to skip it.”
9. Futurama
“The Futurama theme is my ringtone. It makes me happy when people call instead of being annoyed that someone called me.”
10. X-Men: The Animated Series
“I started watching it again a few days ago. The theme song is so [amazing]. I don’t think I’ve skipped one intro yet.”
11. Parks and Recreation
“I read a comment once saying the Parks & Rec song is what it sounds like in a golden retriever’s head, and it’s so accurate.”
12. The Expanse
“The opening credits CHANGE with the episodes throughout each season to reflect the current story. Blink and you’ll miss it.”
13. DuckTales
“When the reboot was announced, I was so excited for (ahem…) my kids to get to enjoy a show that I loved as a kid. We watched the pilot together. It was a cold open that ran about 10 minutes into the episode, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. When they finally cut to ‘ba BA! ba BA!’ I seriously just about lost it. This is the GOAT.”
14. Twin Peaks
“Nothing makes me feel as tranquil as that lil bird on his lil branch and that MUSIC.”
15. Dexter
“The tune is catchy, but it’s just so visually pleasing I can’t help but always watch.”
16. Avatar: The Last Airbender
“The Korra outro song is so beautiful. THAT was something I would never skip.”
17. Dark
The Netflix series is a serious contender among other TV show intros, according to fans. “That music set the tone for the series every time.”
18. Bluey
“I was thinking, and there’s nothing I don’t skip over… until I got to this one. Does it count I only really enjoy it because I sing and dance to it with my son?”
This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.
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Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.