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11 Careers With the Rudest People, According to Their Coworkers

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Work can be a drag, but in some industries, it’s especially difficult. Petty coworkers and micromanaging bosses can make office life a real headache. In a forum, users were asked, “What profession tends to attract the rudest people?”

Here’s what the internet had to say:

1. Salespeople

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I tried working in sales before and my coworkers were some of the worst people I’ve ever met. The ones that had husbands/wives cheated on them. The ones that didn’t have husbands/wives were divorced because they prioritized their work over their families. None of them had genuine friendships with other people because they were conditioned to see people only as financial investments.”

2. Nurses

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I’ve noticed there are two types of people who become nurses: genuine, kind-hearted people who want to help others, and the mean people who never grew out of high school but need to feel self-important.”

3. DMV employees

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“They know they can be as rude as they want to be because that’s the only place to go to get vehicle tags renewed and you HAVE to do it or get fined.”

4. Makeup artists

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Never have I felt more constantly condescended to than when I worked with makeup artists as a ‘beauty advisor’ at Sephora…the only other profession where I’ve seen this level of snobbery was sommeliers.”

5. Chefs and Cooks

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I had to quit my old job because I was too terrified of walking into that kitchen. Chef was a sad little man with nothing better to do than pick on teenagers.”

6. Any job in the fashion industry

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Thanks to movies like The Devil Wears Prada, the fashion industry has long had a reputation for attracting mean girl types. “Worked as a fashion editor for a very large magazine. The amount of overcomplicating things to stroke egos was unreal,” one user responded.

Another agreed, stating, “Had a relative who worked at HQ for a big fashion firm. There were fires that killed people at their factories, and all they cared about was how it looked to the public…no one batted an eye about it.”

7. Surgeons

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“My father-in-law is a retired surgeon and cannot deal with the fact that he can’t boss everyone around all the time anymore. He never learned another way to relate to people besides barking orders,” wrote one commenter.

8. Assistants

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“In my experience, executive/staff assistants. I work in building maintenance for the state. So far, the top-level brass has been the kindest, most understanding folks I’ve met.

“Their assistants, however, are some of the most entitled people with an overinflated ego I’ve ever dealt with.”

9. TSA Officers

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I was a fed and used to fly out of Atlanta for emergency responses regularly. I used my fed ID when traveling for work, and a couple of TSA agents would ask their superiors if they could accept my FEDERAL ID as a government-issued ID. My stars.

“So many times, I was tempted to say ‘Listen up, I outrank you by, oh, 10 GS levels, and my security clearance is at least two above yours.’ But I managed to not say that, ever.”

10. Highway Patrol

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Troopers tend to have the mentality that they’re the elite of the law enforcement profession, which naturally leads to big egos. I work for a small department in a relatively quiet jurisdiction, and a lot of the times we encounter Highway Patrol, they give us a very ‘you ain’t (anything), you’re just a rent-a-cop’ type attitude.”

11. Receptionists at Doctor’s Offices

Rude jobs.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“No joke, I quit my job because of these receptionists. My good-paying, decent job. I couldn’t do it anymore because a major part of my role was obtaining medical records (for insurance purposes), and having to call and deal with doctor’s offices daily was ruining my mental health. Extremely rude people.”

This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.

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