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8 Disgusting Foods That Are Barely Even Edible

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The world’s most disgusting foods prove that just because you can eat something doesn’t mean you should.

Although everyone has different preferences, the most disgusting foods are almost universally hated. These gross foods aren’t so subjective—it’s tough to imagine diners who enjoy being served cheese with maggots or lutefisk.

Recently, the internet was asked, “What’s a food nobody can ever convince you is any good?” and diners were quick to jump in with the most inedible foods out there.

These are the most disgusting foods that everyone can agree on:

1. Casu Marzu

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

This type of cheese is derived from Pecorino but is far from your average block of Pecorino Romano. The cheese is aged past the typical fermentation stage, instead entering a phase of total decomposition. During this process, larvae are introduced to the cheese, which breaks down the cheese’s fats.

Ironically, Sardinian foodies advocate that this cheese is only unsafe to eat after the maggots die. The European Union, however, feels otherwise, outlawing the cheese entirely for hygiene reasons.

2. Kopi Luwak

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Nicknamed “poop coffee,” Kopi Luwak consists of Asian palm civet excretion. The civets eat coffee cherries, which ferment as they pass through their intestines. The result is collected and turned into Kopi Luwak.

As said by someone familiar with this gross food, “Kopi luwak is basically only for rich people.

“It’s not for the average person who’s only had supermarket coffee because that’s a huge jump in taste. And it’s a very weird taste for someone who hasn’t tried all the great specialty coffees in between.

“It should be for coffee snobs who have tasted everything other than kopi luwak (because, again, it’s a coffee with very odd tasting notes), but no one will buy it because kopi luwak is produced through animal cruelty. Civets are kept in cages and force-fed the coffee berries.”

3. Lutefisk

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“My Norwegian grandparents always took me to their Norwegian social club’s annual lutefisk dinners. It was a nightmare for me as a child,” explained one advocate of lutefisk being one of the most disgusting foods.

“Cooked right, with fried potatoes, real butter, and Swedish meatballs…yum! Cooked poorly, lutefisk turns into a disgusting jelly the dog won’t even eat,” said a more partial diner.

4. Live Spiders

Image credit: Shutterstock.

“The viral videos where people dip the live spiders in sauce and eat them as they’re trying to run away make me squirm. The faces these people make while they’re chewing on them are not convincing that [they] even taste good. Looks like an episode of Fear Factor.”

5. Balut

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“Balut: it’s an egg that is between an unfertilized egg and a full grown bird yet tastes worse than either of them,” said someone who hates this Filipino delicacy.

6. Jellied Eels

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“It’s cold fish in flavorless jelly. It’s not gross, but there is no good reason to eat it either.”

7. Chitlins

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

Would you eat animal intestines?

Most wouldn’t.

“My mom used to cook them in the house and buy them by the bucket, and I can honestly say I’ve never eaten them a day in my life. They make the house smell absolutely disgusting, and that’s all you can smell for the entire day. It’s been like eight years since, and I still vaguely remember what they smell like.”

8. Pickled Eggs

Disgusting foods, by lifestyle blogger What the Fab
Image credit: Shutterstock.

“I opened up a jar of homemade pickled eggs once, and it smelled like raw sewage. Nobody could ever convince me to try one.”

This article was written and syndicated by What the Fab.

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