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Keeping These 15 Products in Your Car Could Save Your Life

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Keeping these essential safety items in your car could make the difference between life and death.

You never know what could happen when you get behind the wheel. From natural disasters to an unexpected accident, you may face various risks that put you in harm’s way.

Stay prepared for any emergency and avoid a life-threatening situation with these vehicle must-haves.

Jumper Cables

Car safety essentials
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When driving home from work or setting off on a road trip, the last thing you want is to get stuck somewhere with a dead battery. Extreme weather and mechanical issues can cause your battery to die.

Jumper cables let you start a car with an external power source, such as another vehicle. They’re a car must-have to avoid a dead car leaving you stranded.

Cold-Weather Accessories

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Even if the weather is pleasant when you depart, you may encounter cold temperatures behind the wheel. To layer up, keep gloves, a scarf, and a beanie in your vehicle.

Some destinations experience drastic temperature differences from day to night. It’s best to prepare in advance with cold-weather accessories that will help you stay warm.

Cell Phone Charger

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Keep essential gadgets alive with a car-compatible cell phone charger. Your phone could be your only lifeline in a dire situation.

You can use a phone to contact family, friends, or emergency services for help. A portable charger is a crucial car safety item that’s also inexpensive.

Emergency Blanket

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

An emergency blanket isn’t your average decorative throw. These unique survival blankets block wind and rain while keeping you warm.

Thermal blankets are lightweight and shiny, reflecting the sun to ward off hypothermia. If you have to sleep in your car overnight, they will help regulate your body temperature so you don’t feel cold.

First-Aid Kit

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

A first-aid kit is a must in any vehicle to treat common injuries. Basic kits typically contain items like bandages, gloves, and alcohol wipes.

No one wants to think they’ll be hurt while driving. However, having a first-aid kit lets you manage minor wounds in case of an unexpected accident.

Drinking Water

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

You should always keep a supply of drinking water in your car. Stow several jugs or bottles of water in your trunk if stranded on the road for an extended period.

Having fresh water is especially important if you live somewhere hot where dehydration is a concern. Refresh your water supply annually to avoid drinking from expired plastic containers.


Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Multi-tools can be incredibly useful in emergencies. They come in all shapes and sizes, but most include wilderness and survival tools.

Blades, pliers, and scissors are handy for various occasions. Regardless of your budget, there are many multi-tool options, so browse several styles before purchasing one.

Spare Tire

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Though it may seem like a no-brainer, some people get into the habit of driving without a spare tire. However, this could be a dangerous and costly mistake.

Flat tires frequently occur, and everyone is likely to have at least one during their lifetime. A spare tire is essential to replace the damaged one and travel safely to your destination.


Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

You shouldn’t rely solely on your phone flashlight. Phones can die, break, or be lost, so purchase a durable secondary light source.

While rechargeable flashlights are available, battery-powered versions are typically more reliable. Buy a spare pack of batteries to stow in your car as well.

Duct Tape

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

You can never go wrong with a roll of duct tape. It’s an underrated safety item you can use creatively in many ways.

Duct tape is a surprisingly versatile household item for patching holes, sealing wounds, and more. Keep some on hand to be safe; you’ll likely reach for it more than expected.

Tire Pressure Gauge

Car safety essentials
Photo credit: Shutterstock.

Every vehicle should contain a tire pressure gauge. This simple gadget displays the air pressure in your tires to help you determine if they’re damaged.

Tires can lose air due to severe temperature changes, leaks, and punctures. A gauge gives you peace of mind, knowing your tires are adequately filled and holding the ideal pressure.

Heavy-Duty Gloves

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A pair of heavy-duty gloves can make a significant difference in dire situations. Without them, you could quickly become covered in dirt and grease.

If you must perform roadside repairs, gloves protect your hands from scrapes and scratches. They’re also helpful when handling mud or obstacles such as fallen tree limbs.

Reflective Triangle

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Don’t underestimate the importance of a reflective triangle. These low-cost safety items make you stand out in dark, low-visibility places.

A reflective triangle lets other drivers know a stopped car is alongside the road. It also lessens the chance of another vehicle hitting you or your car.

Ice Scraper

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Consider purchasing an ice scraper if you live or travel somewhere that gets cold. It’s a convenient device for removing ice without scratching your car windows.

Ice is a primary concern when driving in wintery, snowy conditions since it makes the road harder to see. Ice scrapers are practical and a relatively cheap addition to your car safety kit.

Non-Perishable Food

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Stock up on shelf-stable food that will stay good for years. Keeping non-perishable food on hand could save your life in an emergency.

Dehydrated meals are an excellent choice requiring minimal preparation. You can also splurge on a survival meal kit with several days of food to store in your vehicle.

Don’t waste money on an unreliable car

Photo credit: Art Konovalov /

Car shopping can be stressful and overwhelming with so many makes and models. Avoid paying for a vehicle that’s likely to break down or cost you more in the long run.

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