We recently had the pleasure of visiting and doing a tasting at the stunning St. Supéry Estate in Napa. While we’ve passed St. Supéry Winery many times on the St. Helena Highway, this was the first time we drove down their long and beautiful tree-lined driveway. As soon was we pulled up I knew we were in for a special experience. The estate is absolutely gorgeous, and we were welcomed with a glass of Sauv Blanc and a tour around the grounds. We of course had to stop and take some pictures at the pretty little Savannah-style house with the wrap around porch—so charming! After our tour we went back to the main tasting room and upstairs for our private tasting. St Supéry’s wines are incredible and we loved everything that we tasted. Our absolute favorite was their Malbec, which you don’t see a lot of in Napa. St. Supéry’s Malbec was rich and smooth, with delicious berry and plum aromas. We loved it so much we bought a bottle, and we’re saving it for a special occasion. After our visit, St. Supéry Winery has quickly shot to the top of our Napa wineries list, and we can’t wait to come back!
St. Supéry Winery:
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Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.