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Mt. Davidson

One of the (many) things I love about living in San Francisco is that if you need to get out of the city, there are so many options close by. The ocean isn’t far, and there are lots of pretty trails and national parks a stone’s throw away. In this case, my boyfriend and I …

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Hong Kong

After our time in Beijing, we hopped on a flight to Hong Kong. It was quite a change of scenery. Hong Kong is this interesting mix of tropical island and a world-class, dense city. The night life is super fun, the skyline is jaw-dropping, and the giant Buddha is awesome. And the shopping, ohh the …

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Food bites: Beijing + Hong Kong

When deranged girls parrot Kate Moss’ “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” I like to respond with a simple, “Bitch, clearly you’ve never eaten at [insert latest most amazing food I’ve tried here].” Since moving to San Francisco, those brackets have usually been filled with “Tartine.” But after our trip to Asia, I think …

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My boyfriend and I finally went through all of our photos from our China trip (we took about 1,000!) and picked out the best ones. We spent a week in Beijing, and stayed in a studio apartment that we found on AirBnB in the southern area of the city. Our trip was awesome. China’s history …

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May, Instagrammed

As a lot of you know, I was traveling in Asia for half of May. Here are a few of my favorite snaps from last month’s Instagram adventures (and a couple treats from Vine). Captions read clockwise. Follow me on instagram & see the rest of my pics from Beijing & Hong Kong!   Painted ladies. …

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Monterey, CA

After getting back from a business trip in Vegas, I went on a quick trip to Monterey with my boyfriend and his family. I was excited to go hiking and take a ton of pictures at Point Lobos, but because of the Big Sur Marathon we couldn’t get on Highway 1 going south and never …

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Santa Barbara Trip

Last month I took a trip down to Santa Barbara with some of my friends from grad school. One of them is getting his PhD at UCSB, so we used it as an excuse to reunite in paradise. I’d never been, and it was absolutely gorgeous. Some day when I retire filthy rich, it’ll be …

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October, Instagrammed

October was SUCH a fun month! My birthday was the 21st, and every weekend of October ended up being some kind of celebration. I felt so spoiled by my friends and family! At the beginning of the month I went on a trip to Santa Barbara with my grad school friends. I’d never been, and …

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Sea Spray

Last month my boyfriend and I went on a mini-vaca with my family in Gualala. It’s a sleepy little beach town just north of Sea Ranch, which is about a three hour drive north of San Francisco. The house my parents rented was absolutely gorgeous. All of these shots of the ocean were taken from …

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Washington D.C. Trip

Last month I went on a biz trip to DC. I hopped on a red-eye flight on a Sunday night, explored on Monday, and had a day full of meetings Tuesday. It was a whirlwind trip, and it took me a couple days to recover, but it was well worth it. I’d never been to …

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September, instagrammed

September was packed with travel, so it was a fun-filled month, but it completely flew by. Pretty hard to believe it’s October already! (Captions read clockwise, starting from upper left) 1. Quick trip to LA means I get to see one of my best friends from high school and her super cute apartment. Love this …

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