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14 Brain-Boosting Foods to Evade Memory Loss and Improve Cognitive Function

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Improving your focus, memory, and thinking skills is easier than you think. The key might be in your refrigerator already—several common foods, like berries and fatty fish, can seriously lift your brain performance and protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

These delicious and nutritious brain-boosting foods are the key to a healthy mind:

Red Wine

Brain-boosting foods
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Now, you can enjoy the occasional glass of red wine guilt-free. WebMD suggests that red wine could benefit your brain thanks to its antioxidant content. These naturally occurring nutrients stop the growth of harmful proteins that can kill your brain cells.

Dark Chocolate

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Good news—dark chocolate is officially good for brain health. Cocoa contains flavonoids that encourage more and better blood flow to the brain. As a bonus, chocolate also has a small amount of caffeine, which is also beneficial for cognition.

Whole Grains

Brain-boosting foods
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Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice have many health benefits, including better cognitive abilities. They’re high in vitamin B, which is essential to lowering inflammation in the brain. As a result, whole grains can play a significant role in retaining your memory with age.

Leafy Greens

Brain-boosting foods
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Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are scientifically proven to slow cognitive decline. These foods are high in vitamin K, nitrate, and folate, which promote brain health. Consider adding a serving of leafy greens to your daily meal plan to protect your cognitive abilities from slowing with age.


Brain-boosting foods
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Snacking on oranges can help your brain operate at its best. A 2021 American Academy of Neurology study discovered that oranges and other colorful produce are directly linked to a lower risk of age-related cognitive decline. Thanks to oranges’ high antioxidant content, you only need to consume half a serving daily to unlock the brain benefits.


Brain-boosting foods
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Salmon is excellent for your brain because it contains omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are vital for proper brain development and functioning. According to Harvard Health, omega-3 fatty acids have also been tied to reduced risks of Alzheimer’s.


Brain-boosting foods
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Treat yourself to an order of guacamole—it’s delicious and surprisingly good for you. Researchers at Frontiers in Nutrition found people who regularly eat avocados score much higher on cognitive tests.

Avocado contains healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and lutein, an organic compound that supports brain functions. Aim to eat an avocado a day to keep your mind in tip-top shape.


Brain-boosting foods
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Your morning cup of joe might be protecting your brain from declining with age. The caffeine in coffee and certain teas can improve your mood, aid concentration, and combat symptoms of depression. Additionally, caffeine consumption lowers your risk of stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological conditions.


Brain-boosting foods
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Boost your brain health by enjoying a daily snack of blueberries. Research by the University of Cincinnati shows eating half a cup of berries daily improves cognition in middle-aged groups. Blueberries are especially beneficial for those at a higher risk of dementia due to insulin resistance.


Brain-boosting foods
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Eating walnuts could be the key to staying mentally sharp at any age. Some scientists suggest incorporating walnuts into your diet could reduce inflammation and stress in the brain, boosting overall functions. Studies show the antioxidants and nutrients found in walnuts may improve memory, learning, and motor skills.


Brain-boosting foods
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Turmeric has impressive antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Consuming turmeric may protect your brain’s neurons and reduce inflammation for better performance. Regularly using the spice in meals can strengthen your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis.


Brain-boosting foods
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Eggs are incredibly nutritious and good for brain health. The yolks are high in choline, which reduces inflammation, encourages your brain cells to communicate, and aids memory. Eggs also have an amino acid that boosts serotonin for a better mood.

Pumpkin Seeds

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Consider adding pumpkin seeds to your daily diet to promote cognitive functions. The seeds contain zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, and more essential nutrients. As a result, they can improve your memory and thinking abilities.


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Did you know tomatoes may lower oxidative stress and cancer risk while boosting brain performance? Some studies suggest that tomato consumption can prevent instances of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other cognitive issues. Tomatoes may also improve the neural pathways in your brain to help it function at its peak.

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