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sf lifestyle blogger
I’ve been traveling a lot lately for work and for fun, and whenever I travel it’s so hard for me to stay on track with my workout routine! If I’m traveling for leisure, I tend to pack every possible fun thing into my trip (look out for a bachelorette post coming soon—you won’t believe how much we fit into a 2 night stay in Sin City!), leaving little time for sleep, let alone a workout. And if I’m traveling for work, that means I’m super busy running around prepping for or executing an event. The struggle is real.
To help me not fall off the workout wagon too much, I’m excited to be trying out the Jawbone UP MOVE Fitness Tracker. This little doodad tracks your steps, sleep, exercise, and calories burned. I love that you have the option of wearing it as a little clip (like I am in the photos above), or as a wristband. Sometimes I really just don’t want stuff around my wrists when I’m working on the computer or working out, depending on the type of movements I’m doing (i.e. pushups, planks, etc.). The UP MOVE syncs with your smartphone, and the battery life is fabulous—six months! Next week I’ll be sharing another post about the UP MOVE and the insights it’s taught me as far as how I can improve my health patterns like eating, sleeping, and exercising.
sf lifestyle blogger
sf lifestyle blogger
sf lifestyle blogger
sf lifestyle blogger
sf lifestyle blogger
sf lifestyle blogger
Thanks to Jawbone for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own, honest review because I’ve really enjoyed using the UP MOVE to help track my fitness goals.

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