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#23: In this episode, I’m doing a deep dive into one of my most frequently asked questions when I used to work at Google—How did I manage to build my brand and blog as a side hustle, while also working a corporate 9-5 job? It took a lot of long nights, mindset shifts, and prioritizing my time. In this episode, we’re talking about all things:
– How to start your side hustle and take it to the next level
– Mindset shifts you need to make in order to successfully launch and build a side hustle
– Time management and prioritization
– Optimizing your physical and mental wellness so you can fire on all cylinders
– Getting help to free up some time to focus on your side hustle
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Quick links from the episode:
Time Saving Apps:
Health & Wellness:
Podcast Episodes Mentioned:
Episode #6 What The Fab Podcast: The Power of Saying “No” (And How to Say No Politely)
Episode #19: My Best Time Management Tips & Tricks: Modified Ivy Lee Method + Time Blocking
Show notes for Episode #23: How I Was Able to Work Full Time at Google and Run my Blog as My Creative Side Hustle: Tips & Tricks + Mindset Shifts
Pursuing a creative side hustle has become a pretty popular thing to do, and throughout the years I’ve been asked a lot of questions on how I was able to manage my blog as a side hustle while also working my 9-5 at Google.
I’ll start by saying it definitely wasn’t easy and it took a lot of long nights after work grinding on new posts for the blog or spending my weekend shooting content instead of going out with friends.
When you’re first starting out you definitely have to learn how to prioritize your work-life balance and how you can start taking your side hustle to the next level where you can start making money.
What is a side hustle?
A side hustle can literally be anything you want. For example, you can become a social media influencer that gets to travel, do freelance writing, become a virtual assistant, or start an online business becoming an entrepreneur, the amount of side hustle ideas are endless.
Side hustles are also an easy way to make extra money or a passive income per month. There are so many people now that do their side hustle for a while and then turn them into their full-time job—you can too if that’s something that you want for yourself!
Whether you’re looking to earn some extra cash to supplement your income and want to make money online (maybe you’re saving for your first home!), or you want to take your creative side hustle full time, today’s podcast episode goes into my best tips.
How to take your side hustle to the next level
You can start taking your side hustle to the next level by having a good time management schedule, creating mindset shifts, prioritizing your well-being, and knowing that you’re absolutely passionate about what you’re doing.
If I wasn’t passionate about blogging, there is no way I would’ve stayed up late at night or skipped out on happy hour with friends to work on my blog. So, if you love what you’re doing on the side then you’ll produce that quality content you’re striving for and any inconveniences will feel like it’s worth it.
It’s also so important to create a time management schedule to prevent any future burnout because it can definitely happen when you’re working a full-time job while also juggling your side hustle. This also ties into prioritizing your wellness and making sure to take time for yourself.
Lastly, it is so important to create mindset shifts so you can push yourself to get the ball rolling. If you’re in the position where you want to start but haven’t started because of fear, this is your sign to just do it.
You’ll never know how successful you’ll be if you don’t start. So change your mindset and tell yourself that you’re a badass and can do anything you set your mind to. Listen to this episode for all my best tips and tricks!
If you have any other questions on how to earn extra income from your side hustle or any general questions my DM’s are always open @wtfab!
Elise Armitage is an entrepreneur and founder of What The Fab, a travel + lifestyle blog based in California. At the beginning of 2019, Elise left her corporate job at Google to chase her dreams: being an entrepreneur and helping women find fabulous in the everyday. Since then, she’s launched her SEO course Six-Figure SEO, where she teaches bloggers how to create a passive revenue stream from their website using SEO. Featured in publications like Forbes, Elle, HerMoney, and Real Simple, Elise is a firm believer that you can be of both substance and style.